Blog Entry 3

A fairy tale is something that enchants and excites us. Its influence not only occurs during childhood but can span a lifetime. To define a fairy tale an understanding of myths and legends comes into play.
At the centre of a myth is the Gods and an underlying moral to the story. Myths teach us lessons through a tale involving Gods.
At the centre of a legend is a miracle. The stories involve humans coming into contact with the supernatural (miracle). They are more realistic in the way people react and come into contact with the supernatural and skepticism can be a part of them.
At the centre of a fairy tale is magic and fantasy. Miracles are also a vital part and permeate the entire tale as there are more than one.
Max Lüthi describes fairy tales as “a work of art” and identifies ten characteristics of a fairy tale.
Formulaic expressions- “Once upon a time..” these suggest what has happened in the past will happen again. They don’t stress the importance of the past but actually the idea of events recurring.
Lack of detail- little description is given to the visuals in fairy tales this allows for clarity and precision in the tales. It stresses the importance of what has been written or told.
Isolation of characters- characters complete the action alone and are distant from others in the tales. This helps define the characters and creates strong impressions of them.
Extremes and contrasts- the world portrayed in fairy tales is neatly fashioned and so everything has its opposite and is black or white/good or evil.
Repetition- Adds to the rigid nature of fairy tales as well as informing the timelessness of the world.
Symbols and motifs- Fairy tales always have underlying messages and motifs and symbols allow for these messages to be interpreted.
Action driven- the lack of description can also be put down to the importance of action over all else. Action is what steers the tales and makes them what they are.
Heroes return just in time- emphasising the precision in the fairy tale. Also that every last moment is used and everything works out in the end.
Need for clarity- at no point in fairy tales are “if” or “perhaps” present. Everything happens for a reason and ultimately adds to the story. This also can be seen in the objects present in fairy tales as they are solid and clearly formed due to the neatly fashioned world.
Happy ending- Good triumphs in the end and after hardship there will be happiness.
All these aspects of fairy tales enhance the imperishability of the fairy tale world. Without time and the cessation of things we as readers are encouraged to feel as though there is another way of viewing and experiencing life.

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